Refrigeration Contractor

WTRD-028 Refrigeration Contractor

Hours: 109
Fee: $2,323
Instruction: Online/Distance

Program Description

This virtual course is designed to prepare Refrigeration Technicians to sit for the Refrigeration Contractor Exam. The course covers the following areas: Refrigeration Theory; Evaporators; Metering Devices; Condensers; Compressors; Refrigeration Accessories; Refrigerants; Operation, Pressures & Temperatures; AC and Refrigeration Math; Multi Temperature Systems; Other Refrigeration Systems; Motors; Purgers and Absorption Systems; Definitions from ASHRAE 15 & 34; The Mass Refrigeration Code.

Program Details


It is required that all students bring a copy of the current ASHRAE books (15 & 34) to class.coss

Fee: $2,323

To Be Announced

Refrigeration License Examinations
Peterson’s Publishing

The curriculum is based on textbook “Refrigeration License Examinations” by Peterson’s Publishing along with ASHARE 15& 34 as well as 528 CMR 9:00, 522CMR 528 2:00, 3:00 and 11:00, supplanted by Mass General Laws referenced in the CMR’s.

Refund Policy

Withdraw prior to the start of class* - 100% Refund
No Refunds will be given once class begins

In the absence of a written third party contractual agreement stating otherwise, all refunds will be issued to the student. Credit card payments will be refunded directly to the credit card if processed within thirty days of the payment.

Course Cancellation Policy

The 博彩网站 Workforce Training office reserves the right to cancel any course that does not meet minimum enrollment requirements.

Student Handbook Policies

As a participant in this program/course I understand that I am bound by all the rules, regulations, and policies of 博彩网站 as outlined in the Springfield Technical Community College Student Handbook.

Disability-Related Accommodations

In compliance with Springfield Technical Community College's policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations are available. Students who desire such accommodations should provide documentation of a disability to register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Proper registration will enable ODS counselors to verify the disability and determine reasonable academic accommodations

For questions or interest in our current or future programs, please complete our Workforce Development Program Inquiry Form, and one of our Recruitment and Retention Specialists will contact you promptly. For all other questions, please use the contact below.

The 博彩网站 Workforce Development Center
Building 27, Second Floor

Enrollment Process

There are currently no active enrolling sections. For more information please contact the Workforce Development Center at or 413-755-4225.